Lincoln Castle is a castle constructed in Lincoln, England during the eleventh century by William the Conqueror on the site of a pre-existing Roman fortress. Lincoln Castle remained in use as a prison and the court in modern times and is one of the best preserved castles in England.
It is open to the public as a museum. When William the Conqueror defeated Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, continued to face resistance in the north of England. For a time, William’s position was very insecure. In order to protect their influence and control people Danelaw, he built a number of castles in the north and in the central region of England.
After gaining control in York, William the Conqueror turned south and reached the Roman and Viking town, Lincoln. He found there a Viking commercial center with a population of 6-8000 people. The remains of the ancient Roman city were an ideal strategic position to build a new castle. The castle was built in the southwest corner of the city fortress. In the Domesday Book in 1164 attested fact of the housing in the city, 166 were demolished to make way for the castle. Work on the new fort was completed in 1068.
Lincoln Castle
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